Two years I did a post on the wisdom of Robert Burns and how it could help project managers.
For details check out that post:
Robert Burns
Robert Burns is Scotland’s national poet, and his birthday (January 25th) is celebrated around the world at the end of January, with Burns Suppers.
Burns did many things during his short life, but to my knowledge he was not a project manager.
However, his large body of work contains much sensible advice for project managers and indeed everyone.
For this year I will limit myself to one piece of advice, which I think is particularly relevant in our troubled world.

As we enter another fractious year let us bear in mind that if we look at ourselves from the perspective of others, we may help heal our project teams and the world in general.
Here’s to avoiding blunders and foolish notions.
- The Poetry of Robert Burns – Centenary Edition (1896) 4 Volumes
Note: There are various versions of Burn’s poems in print or available online.
I have chosen to use the wording and punctuation in the above title for this post.